Natives, Tree Panting Day, Fall Check In
October 2022
Checking out the yield of Summer’s harvest and taking notes before Fall/ Winter planting.
November 2022
Edibles in ground:
-Yuzu Citrus
-Passion Fruit vines
Planted in hugel:
-Shirin Lime
-Naranj Sour Orange
-Sudachi Yuzu hybrid
Natives and other plants in ground:
-Mexican Marigold (non native)
-Bush Sunflower - Encelia californica
-Common Sunflower - Helianthus annus
-Red Buckwheat - Eriogonum rubescens
-Seacliff Buckwheat - Eriogonum Parvifolium
Edibles and flowers in raised beds:
After clearing out most of the remaining crops from the previous season, we planted:
-African basil
-Hon tsai tai broccoli
-Baby pixie cabbage
-China choy cabbage
-China choy broccoli
-Garlic from cloves
-Sugar snaps from seed